Friday, November 13, 2009

Cinderella Man

Hello there!

This is going to be a short one, but I have to get my thoughts out of my head and onto... something tangable I guess.

Last night, PJ popped "Cinderella Man" into the DVD player (we love watching movies together) and there is at least one truely valuable lesson that can be learned. I do believe that you can find truth in everything - movie, book, magazine, etc - but this truth is so good, I have to write about it.

Men need to feel supported by their wives. Several times in this movie, Cinderella Man's wife (let's just call her May, since I cannot remember what her name was) encourages him and supports him - even during the tough times, and even when she doesn't like it, and even when it means risking his life. "I can't win without your support," quotes Cinderella Man at one point in the movie. And I truely believe this is true for all men. And I struggle with it.

I'm married to an optomist, a dreamer, a "glass half-full" guy. I am a pesamist, a realist, and a "glass half-empty" girl. So I listen to his dreams and his hopes and immediately think, "that will never work." But what do I know? I know that PJ needs to feel loved, supported, and encouraged. My role in this marraige is the helper. Pray that I learn how to better encourage and support him, even if I don't understand. Because that is all that it is - I don't understand.

Over and out,

Mrs. Scalf

1 comment:

  1. I love the message behind this post. Very well said. If only all couples were at aware as yours.
