Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Brain Hurts

I feel like my brain was to explode with all the stuff that is on my mind right now!! Last night Schramm and I went to the gym for some hot-tub-sitting and lap-swimming. It was really fun and relaxing. Lindsay told me to pray for a different person each lap that I swim. Time really flew once I started chatting to God. There are lots of people to be praying for...

In the hottub, we talked about how great her DL class was and about biblical submission between husband and wife. There are very mixed feelings from women about "submission." It's a scary word - and not natural, especially since the woman's rights movement and with high divorce rates, children are used to the mother running the home. And let's be honest, there are few men in this world who "are worthy of submission." KV and Brian Loritz put it pretty well, however, "If your man is under the submission of God, no woman is going to have a problem submitting with that man." Which is so true! I like to use the umbrella example:

Ok, I'm the small person on the far right. PJ is next to me holding a holey umbrella. God is the big guy on the left holding the giant, hole-free umbrella. Ephesians tells wives to submit to their husbands and husbands to Christ. I submit to PJ, who is holding an umbrella that has holes in it because he is a sinner saved by grace - not perfect. If PJ is submitting to Christ, who is perfect, holy, and set-apart, we ain't getting wet when the storms fall... It's actually a pretty perfect system - very orderly. But for women who are not married to men who submit to Christ... submission is difficult and scary, however still a command.... Life isn't easy or fair and no one said it would be.
Also, Shantell and I are memorizing James, which is so much fun. We worked on Philippians last year, and it is such a blessing! God speaks really beautifully through the Word and memorizing it really does something unexplainably wonderful to my soul. It's the best way for me to be in the Word. I'm a very task-oriented and like having measurable goals. Sitting down and reading is very difficult for me because I feel like I'm not "doing anything." Which is totally a lie from the pit of hell, but I've found something that really encourages me to dig deep and meet with God. I've got the first 16 verses pretty good and can't wait to keep going!!
Lastly, my heart was fulfilled a bit yesterday when teaching one of my students math. It came to my mind that I may pursue my teaching degree and teach math to children - it's so fun. Being praying for me about that one...
Mrs. Scalf

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