Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday

Fellowship Memphis had the Easter Sunday service at the Orpheum. It was pretty tight, not gonna lie. We had some rockin' worship with Carlos Whitaker and others - it was amazing. We sang one of my favorite Hillsong songs, The Stand. It brings me to tears everytime. Just read the lyrics of the chorus:

I'll stand
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe, of the one who gave it all
I'll stand
My soul, Lord, to you surrendered
All I am is yours
And the music that accompanies the lyrics makes it emotionally amazing. Check it out. It may or may not change your life. I almost walked down the isle to this song acutally. It's that great.

After Caleb sang the first song and before Carlos came out, they showed a video worth watching.
Once church was over, we picked up Romo (and his to-go bag) and some mini-cheesecakes that I had made for Ashley's family and headed over to Bears for an Easter cook-out. Then went to the Berry's for an AWESOME time with the family! I love them!

This is Aunt Jamie sun-bathing and holding Romo

Here is Aunt Rach (and of course, Romo)

The Ladies

The Cook - Bear

Schramm (and Romo sitting under her shade)

Can you tell that I love my puppie? I have to show you one more photo. On Wednesday, a group of us met up at Central BBQ for lunch, it will be one of the last times we are all together like that, so I had to capture the moment:

How fun. In this photo (and if you include me) three of us are moving to Dallas, one to MI, three staying in Memphis and one will be working with YWAM somewhere not in Memphis. Life is crazy.

Mrs. Scalf

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